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1998 BYI Charles Brenner Moves to City of Hope Beckman Institute

Charles Brenner, a 1998 BYI, packed his lab at the University of Iowa, where he was the Roy J Carver Chair & Head of Biochemistry to move to Southern California. Dr. Brenner, is among the world's leading experts on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), the central catalyst of metabolism. He was named the Alfred E. Mann Chair of the new Department of Diabetes & Cancer Metabolism within the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope National Medicine Center in Duarte, California.

Brenner aims to expand his program on disturbances in NAD metabolism in conditions of metabolic stress that include neuropathy, fatty liver, malignancies, postpartum, inflammatory conditions and coronavirus infection. His research group is expanding and there are opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, he will be hiring faculty as well. For more information visit here.

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